I recently declared a moratorium on myself: not to use Yahoo! Messenger.
I have no idea for how long or for how short a time. I just know that I need to lessen the distractions at work and impose some discipline and professionalism in the way communications and documentation is handled. Plus, I was getting so annoyed at the pop-ups every time somebody logs-in or logs-out. More so if the Internet connections are not stable and steady in your contact lists' office.
My moratorium decision also stems from something very personal but I will not disclose here in this outlet. It is not for public consumption.
How have I been faring so far? Well, it could be something similar when undergoing drug or alcohol (or sex?) rehab. You undergo a "detoxification" process. But I suspect mine is both a cold turkey and detox approach.
I declared my moratorium over a month ago I think but have not been able to uphold things on my end for I guess a week or two. It was only recently that I was able to control and discipline myself.
I am slowly experiencing the benefits of being less distracted at work and being able to gather more concentration and focus. But I just have to disclose that I kind of "cheat", in the sense that I open my YM and quickly check who is online and if there were any offline messages left. But all is done in a minute or maybe even less. I do that around three times a day.
In curbing this habit or this typical routine, I found myself not tempted to chat or open the chat window. I guess I would consider that a milestone for myself and that this "cheating" is forgivable.
My aim is really not to use YM in matters related to work or business and to train people to document things and respond quickly, properly, professionally via e-mail.
In fact, through e-mail, I am able to "converse" fluidly and not experience disruptions of thought unlike in chat when people just interrupt on as is or as need basis. E-mail is also beginning to be a friend as well. I am able to decently list down the things I need in an organized and uninterrupted manner as opposed to YM.
Perhaps this decision to declutter and to delineate my personal space from work helped shape this declaration.
So I hope to continue this practice and achieve the type of discipline I need in managing my affairs. Wish me luck as I continue on.
Luck to you Nicole! Nice blog by the way. I enjoyed reading it.